After carefully evaluating the my current life situation, I've come to the conclusion that returning to the Hall will be best for me. I simply just don't fit in with the rest of the world. I don't drink, smoke, have sex, go to clubs, listen to worldly music, watch movies, or gamble. (Although not to seem self righteous I must confess that on ocassion I do look at pornography .) I've been stressed out from my job for the past few months from working with a bunch of rauchy blue collar guys. The type that curse every 2 seconds and are always talking about sex. They've started to single me out recently because they've noticed I don't behave like them and that's really started to get under my skin. It's getting to the point where I'm constantly having violent fanstacies about hurting them and recently I actually considered buying a gun. Before this job I was non-violent but they are starting to push me to a dark place. I've concluded that I need to be in an environment where I can get comfort from the Bible and associate with people who aren't worldly. I've never planned on becoming a JW again when I left, but the world bascially forced me to go back. I need something to counter all the negative vibes I get from my job, and I believe having good associates while consatanly being reminded of the teaches of Christ is the only thing that will help me.